3 min readJan 20, 2022

Songs That Transcend Me To Another Dimension

Photo by Altınay Dinç on Unsplash

It really just be like that sometimes.

Alternative Title — songs that make me feel nostalgic, spaced out, comforted, or simply keep me company on a tough night.

These songs just mesh with my mood so perfectly sometimes, and some of them have some beautiful and dreamy instrumentals that just really hit the spot when I need it most. Others are just lyrically brilliant, and some are just good to unwind to. One thing all of them have in common: they basically make me transcend to another dimension — the kind where you just kinda close your eyes and take in all its beauty, encapsulated with the song and your thoughts.

Before I begin, just know my music taste is heavily influenced by alternative, indie, soft rock, pop, and any combination of those genres combined. If you listen to those, I hope you see something you know or something new you like! If you don’t, I really encourage you to give some of these a listen! Let me know what you think of some of them, comment your own personal faves (on this list and otherwise) that make you feel the way these make me feel, and let’s just discuss them all together! I’d LOVE new music recs of any genre, always.

Here’s what I got for you at the moment:

Format: Song title — artist name

Note: I linked a YouTube video for each song, some are audios, some are actual music videos. It just depends on what was available, plus some videos might have triggering content so I decided not to share! Enjoy :)


Written by Vrisha

she/her | college student interested in pop culture, music, mental health, psychology, the MCU, and sharing my thoughts as things happen. Posting when I can!

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