VrishaThe Notorious Psychology MajorA waste of time or a necessity in society?Aug 6, 20221Aug 6, 20221
Vrisha“Bridgerton” Season 2 — Revolutionary Representation for South AsiansSeason 2 of Bridgerton has finally been released, and its beautiful, vital representation of South Asian culture glimmers through and…Apr 12, 2022Apr 12, 2022
VrishaPOCs: Resist Anglicizing Your NameEveryone else: Make the effort to start learning it.Jan 17, 2022Jan 17, 2022
VrishaWhen There’s A Will, There’s a WayWe’ve all heard it. So why do we undermine something so innately powerful and influential in our lives?Feb 14, 2022Feb 14, 2022
VrishaThe Outlook of South Asian Marriage — From a Gen Z Point of ViewIndian marriage has a notorious reputation for its practice of arranged marriages and slew of other cultural perceptions. Is this changing…Apr 5, 2021Apr 5, 2021
VrishaPersonality Piece: More About MeStumbled upon a work of mine or my profile somehow and wanna know me a lil more? Read on!Jan 8, 20224Jan 8, 20224
VrishaIsolation in Friend Groups And What It Taught MeI’m out of high school now. But that doesn’t erase any of the memories or loneliness I’ve felt. And that doesn’t mean it goes away in…Jan 14, 20222Jan 14, 20222